Monday, December 31, 2018

     Please remember that the students will be participating in the Walk Through the Revolutionary War on January 7th. This is the Monday that we get back from the holiday break.
The students need to come to school dressed in colonial attire and have their part memorized. We will head down to the MPR for this great culmination around 8:15 a.m. and parents are welcome to watch. 
Below is a link that gives an overview of the program, has costume ideas as well copies of all the parts.

Friday, December 21, 2018

      Image result for Thank you signs   Image result for New Years Eve images 

Thank you for all of my wonderful and very thoughtful gifts!! I truly appreciate your generosity!!  On Monday, January 7th,  we have the Walk Through the Revolutionary War  Culmination. This is the day that we get back from the  holiday break.The students should come to school dressed in their 'colonial attire' and have their parts memorized. They  should also bring a change of clothes. The following link has all of their parts as well as ideas of what the students can do to dress up for this great academic activity. 
Thank you so much for helping your son/daughter to get  ready for this culmination. Parents are welcome to come and  watch. We will start the culmination around 8:15 a.m. in the MPR. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family  and friends. Happy New Year too!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Image result for Images of holiday party images Image result for Space Day images
For our class holiday party, on Dec. 20th, we will be having pizza, drinks, and playing a few games.  In order to cover the cost of the pizza, drinks, and prizes, we are asking parents to donate 4 to 5 dollars for your student.  Please send that in by the 18th. Thank you!
We will be having a SPACE DAY Culmination, in the MPR, on December 17th from 8:15 to 12:00.  We need parent volunteers to make this event successful. Attached is the link for the Sign Up to volunteer or to buy supplies for this fun event.   Thank you for your help with making this a great culmination for the students.  (
We have a wonderful volunteer, Mr. Wissel. He is a retired engineer who gives additional help in math.  If he has worked or is working with your child, please consider donating $1-$2 for a thank you gift this December.
         Please remember that the students will be participating in the Walk Through the Revolutionary War on January 7th.  They need to come to school dressed in colonial attire and have their part memorized.
Below is a link that gives an overview of the program, has costume ideas as well copies of all the parts.

Report cards will be going home on Friday, December 21.  (It is a minimum day.)

   Have a great holiday break!

Broadway Spectacular for the school - Tuesday, June 11th at 8:30 am Broadway Spectacular for the PARENTS - Wednesday, June 12th at 8:3...