
June 10th
1) A-Z packet - next 6 letters and pictures do writing and pictures
2) State Test - Thursday ( The 24 states to the West of the Mississippi River)
3) Production at 8:30 tomorrow for other students
Rest of the Week - 
1) Broadway Spectacular Production - for Parents on Wednesday, June 12th at 8:30.

June 6th
1) A-Z Packet - any 6 letters of the packet - colored and all lines filled.
2) Math - Quiz (adding and subtracting negative and positive numbers)
3) Map It Out
3) If you did not bring your shirts/props for the Broadway Spectacular bring tomorrow
Rest of the Week - 
1) State Test- moved to Monday all of the states that are to the east of the Mississippi River
2) Signed papers for the Glowzone Field Trip

June 5th 
I was absent

June 4th
1) Mesa View Elective Cards -fill out, sign, and return - by Wednesday
2) State Test- Friday on new section as well as the old section (Study every night)
Rest of the Week - 
1) Broadway Spectacular - for the dress rehearsal - (Black shirt, White Shirt, Dirty looking shirt, jeans)
2) Signed papers for the Glowzone Field Trip
3) State Test - Friday (26 states east of the Mississippi River)
4) Math Quiz - Friday (adding and subtracting negative and positive numbers)
5) Last Map It Out - due on Friday

June 3rd
1) Math worksheet - subtracting positive and negative numbers
2) State Test- Friday on new section as well as the old section (Study every night) 
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Mesa View Elective Cards -fill out, sign, and return - by Wednesday
2) Please bring your outfits in on Thursday for the Broadway Spectacular - for the dress rehearsal - (Black shirt, White Shirt, Dirty looking shirt, jeans)
3) Signed papers for the Glowzone Field Trip

May 30th 
1) State Test tomorrow on the first 17 states and capitals (use your State Packet to study)
2) Monthly Math Packet is due (They got this at the beginning of the month
Next Week - 
1) Broadway Spectacular outfits - due by June 6th for our dress rehearsal.  Black shirt, White shirt, dirty looking shirt, and jeans
2) Mesa View Elective Cards -fill out, sign, and return
3) Signed papers for the Glowzone Field Trip
4) Next Week - Friday (Test on next set of states and capitals)

May 29th
1) Open House Tonight (The class will be open from 6:00 to 7:00)
2) State Test on Friday - study every night the first 17 states and capitals
Rest of the Week - 
1) Monthly Math packet - due on Friday
2) Broadway Spectacular outfits - due by June 6th for our dress rehearsal.  Black shirt, White shirt, dirty looking shirt, and jeans

May 28th 
1) I Am Poem - colored
2) Periodic Table of Elements

May 23rd - 
1) I Am Poem - typed - due tomorrow
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Auction Donations  -please turn in by Friday please
4) Baby picture -for Open House
Next Week  - 
   Broadway Spectacular – on June 12th

             (Start getting – plain white shirt, plain black shirt, dirty looking/torn shirt, and jeans)

May 22nd
1) STATE FAIR - is on Thursday.  Make sure you come to school with your tri-fold, state game, and dressed up in something that represents your state.
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Auction Donations  -please turn in by Friday please
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) STATE FAIR - is on Thursday.  Make sure you come to school with your tri-fold, state game, and dressed up in something that represents your state.
4) Auction Donations 

5) Map It Out - Friday

May 21st - 
1) Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe - due Wed (Literary Luminary/Discussion Director Page)
1) Baby picture -for Open House
2) STATE FAIR - is on Thursday.  Make sure you come to school with your tri-fold, state game, and dressed up in something that represents your state.
3) Auction Donations 
4) Map It Out - Friday

May 20th
1) Field trip is tomorrow to Starbase.
Rest of the Week 
1) Baby picture -for Open House
2) STATE FAIR - is on Thursday.  Make sure you come to school with your tri-fold, state game, and dressed up in something that represents your state.
3) Auction Donations 
4) Map It Out - Friday
   5) Open House – May 29th  
               (Optional Open house for our class only – May 28th – from 2:30 – 3:30- since I will not be at the regular Open House. (My daughter’s graduation on the 29th) The class will still be open on the 29th.
       2) STATE FAIR - is on Thursday.  Make sure you come to school with your tri-fold, state game, and dressed up in something that represents your state.
3) Auction Donations 
4) Map It Out - Friday
May 15th 
1) Me at 93 - paragraphs 9-10 
2) Rough Draft - I am Poem
3) 3)Other –  NEW Field Trip = Starbase (there are 2 forms for this – pink and yellow form
Rest of the week  
1) LWW  - Iconic Statement - Friday
3)S.S.  –   State Fair – Tri-fold – State Fair is on May 23rd ( you have only 2 more times to work on this in class) 
3) Baby Picture

     4)  Auction Basket Money donations
6)   May Monthly packet – end of the month
7) Map It Out – Friday                  

               Open House – May 29th  
               (Optional Open house for our class only – May 28th – from 2:30 – 3:30- since I will not be at the regular Open House. (My daughter’s graduation on the 29th) The class will still be open on the 29th.
               Broadway Spectacular – on June 12th
             (Start getting – plain white shirt, plain black shirt, dirty looking/torn shirt, and jeans)

May 14
1)Me at 93 - paragraphs 7-8 – due on Wed     
2)Science  - Atom Poster is due to me by Wednesday
3)Other –  NEW Field Trip = Starbase (there are 2 forms for this – pink and yellow form

Rest of the Week - 

 1)Me at 93 - Paragraphs 9-10 – due on Thursday
  2)Me at 93 - Finished paragraphs 11-12 -due on Friday
3)S.S.  –   State Fair – Tri-fold – State Fair is on May 23rd ( you have only 2 more times to work on this in class) 
3) Baby Picture

     4)  Auction Basket Money donations
6)   May Monthly packet – end of the month
7) Map It Out – Friday                  

               Open House – May 29th  
               (Optional Open house for our class only – May 28th – from 2:30 – 3:30- since I will not be at the regular Open House. (My daughter’s graduation on the 29th) The class will still be open on the 29th.
               Broadway Spectacular – on June 12th
             (Start getting – plain white shirt, plain black shirt, dirty looking/torn shirt, and jeans)


May 13
1)    Me at 93  - Paragraphs 1-6 need to be done by tomorrow (You have already had 3 different times to work on these in class, so most of you should already be done with those paragraphs
2) Other –  NEW Field Trip = Starbase (there are 2 forms for this – pink and white form
3) Baby Picture
       Auction Basket Money
Rest of the Week - 
1)Science  - Atom Poster is due to me by Wednesday(Take turns taking it home to finish it – one person tonight and the other person tomorrow)
  2)Me at 93 - paragraphs 7-8 – due on Wed                                         3)Me at 93 - Paragraphs 9-10 – due on Thursday
   4)Me at 93 - Finished paragraphs 11-12 -due on Friday
5)S.S.  –   State Fair – Tri-fold – State Fair is on May 23rd ( you have only 2 more times to work on this in class) 
6)   May Monthly packet – end of the month
7) Map It Out – Friday                  

               Open House – May 29th  
               (Optional Open house for our class only – May 28th – from 2:30 – 3:30- since I will not be at the regular Open House. (My daughter’s graduation on the 29th) The class will still be open on the 29th.
               Broadway Spectacular – on June 12th
             (Start getting – plain white shirt, plain black shirt, dirty looking/torn shirt, and jeans)


May 9th - 
1) LWW - Chap 11-12 Genre group page
2) Bring back Starbase signed Fieldtrip forms
3) Tri-fold for the State Fair

4) Return Spring Pictures - either with a payment if your purchased them or return the pictures. Thank you.
Rest of the Week - 
1) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month
2) State Fair - May 23rd
3) Open House - May 29th
(We will have an optional Open House on Wed, May 28th from 2:30 to 3:30 in my class only  - since I will not be able to attend the actual Open House on the 29th.  My own daughter's senior graduation from High School is on the 29th at the same time.  My class will still be open on the 29th. I will just not be there on the 29th.  Thank you for understanding. )
4) June 12th - Broadway Spectacular

  (Thank you for getting the following items for your child.  Each student needs a plain white shirt, a plain black shirt, a dirty looking/torn shirt, and jeans.   A flyer will go home explaining was is needed for the Broadway Spectacular in Take Home Thursday)

May 8th
1) Finish Math pages 101-103 (Odd) - This is a good review for the math test which is tomorrow
2) Wordly Wise - lesson 20 - study for the quiz
3) Tri-fold for the State Fair
4) Return Spring Pictures - either with a payment if your purchased them or return the pictures. Thank you.
Rest of the Week - 
1) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month
2) State Fair - May 23rd
3) Open House - May 29th
(We will have an optional Open House on Wed, May 28th from 2:30 to 3:30 in my class only  - since I will not be able to attend the actual Open House on the 29th.  My own daughter's senior graduation from High School is on the 29th at the same time.  My class will still be open on the 29th. I will just not be there on the 29th.  Thank you for understanding. )
4) June 12th - Broadway Spectacular
  (Thank you for getting the following items for your child.  Each student needs a plain white shirt, a plain black shirt, a dirty looking/torn shirt, and jeans.   A flyer will go home explaining was is needed for the Broadway Spectacular in Take Home Thursday)

May 7th
1) Math  page 104 All
2) Detail Page - LWW
3) Tri-fold for the State Fair
4) Return Spring Pictures - either with a payment if your purchased them or return the pictures. Thank you.
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Thursday (#20)
2) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

May 2nd 
1) Math - Review #4
2) LWW - Page in Genre Packet
3) Map It Out
4) Finish 2 paragraphs of Me at 93
5) Field Trip signed Form
Next Week
1)  State Fair - get a Tri-fold between you and a partner
2) Monthly Math Packet -due at the end of May
3) State Fair - May 23rd

May 1st - 
1) Math - Benchmark Review sheet
2) Wordly Wise - Workbook due - Study for the quiz
Rest of the Week - 
1) Return the Field Trip Form
2) Map It Out- Friday
3) LWW - Genre page - due on Friday
4) State Fair - get a Tri-fold between you and a partner
5) Monthly Math Packet -due at the end of May

April 30th
1) LWW - Iconic Statement
2) Math Review Sheet

April 29th.  
1)Field Tripform -get signed 
2) Math Review page - due tomorrow
Rest of the week - 
1) LWW - Iconic Statement - due on Wednesday
2) Wordly Wise  19 - due on Thursday before the quiz
3) Map It out - on Friday
4) Monthly May Packet - due at the end of the month

April 4th - 
1) Math Test - is tomorrow (Chapter 4- in the 6th grade math textbook)
2) Among the Hidden Worksheet - due tomorrow
3) Wear Jeans or pants for the Panoramic picture tomorrow.
Next Week  and More - 
1) Finish typing your Travel Story - by Tuesday(They have had about 5 hours of time to work on this in class) We will put the booklets together after the holidays.
2) 5th Grade Year Book dedications - due on April 9th
3) Year book cover competition - due on April 9th
5) Year book order - due on April 26th
6) Spring Break - April 13 - 21 (School will resume on the 22nd)

April 3rd
1) Among the Hidden Worksheet
2) Finish Math Book Work

April 2nd
1) Finish Math Book Work 
2) Grammar - Finish assigned pages

April 1st - 
1) Math page 178  (do 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12) - Do this on the graph paper - due tomorrow
2) Grammar - pages 73- 76 and 79-82 - Finish if you did not complete during the 45 minute time block that was given in the morning.
Rest of the Week - 
1) Among the Hidden- chapters 20 and 21 - Cite and restate - due on Wednesday
2) Travel Story - due on Tuesday, April 9th (They will have 3 more hours of class time to work on this during this week)
3) Panoramic Picture on Friday (Bring in envelope with payment if you want to purchase this)
4) 5th Grade Year Book dedications - due on April 9th
5) Year book cover competition - due on April 9th
7) Year book order - due on April 26th
8) Spring Break - April 13 - 21 (School will resume on the 22nd)

March 28th
1) Math workbook - pages 89 and 90
2) Among the Hidden - Chapter 17 (Cite and Restate)
3) Map It Out - 
4) Monthly Math Packet (They have had this since the beginning of the month)
5) AR – 75 points by Friday
5)ST Math – have 75 percent done by Friday

March 27th
1) Math Book - page 165 - all and math pages 80 and 88 in the workbook.
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Among the Hidden - Chapters 17 (Cite and Restate) - due on Friday
2) Map It Out- Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet – due on Friday
4) AR – 75 points by Friday
5)ST Math – have 75 percent done by Friday

March 26th
1) Math - page 170 # 7-13 Odd
2) Among the Hidden - Chapters 15-16 (Cite and Restate) - due on Wednesday
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Map It Out- Friday
2) Monthly Math Packet – due on Friday
3) AR – 75 points by tomorrow for the Popcorn party of by Friday for a math grade        

4)ST Math – have 75 percent done by Friday

March 25th
1)Pages 156-157  #4-6 Even and 162 #3-8 All and Pages 163  #20
2) CAREER DAY IS TOMORROW!! Come to school dressed for you Career and with your Tri-fold and artifact.  We will start right at 8:30.
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Among the Hidden - Chapters 15-16 (Cite and Restate) - due on Wednesday
2) Map It Out- Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet – due on Friday
4) AR – 75 points by tomorrow for the Popcorn party of by Friday for a math grade        

5)ST Math – have 75 percent done by Friday

March 18th
1) Math pages - 971, 972, 979, 980, 981
2 Market Day – is next Tomorrow, after recess (bring any of your items to sell.  You can use your class money to buy other items from our class and Dr. Webb’s class.  NO Peanut/Nut items allowed)
Rest of the Week - 
 1) Among the Hidden – Chp 8/9/10 Questions - Restate and Cite - due on Wednesday
2) Wordly Wise - lesson 17 - Thursday
3) Map It Out- Friday
4) 2) Monthly Math Packet – due at the end of the month 
5)Career Day – Report – due on March 25th
 ( March 26 Will be the presentations for the parents and other students)  - The  students have had a lot of time in Computer lab and on the Chromebooks to do the research for their Career.    
6)    AR – 75 points by end of March          
7)ST Math – have 75 percent done by end of the month

March 14th 
Happy Pi (3.14)Day - I bought Pie for everyone today. :)
 1) Among the Hidden – Chp 3/4 Questions - 
2) Math Worksheet - on Pi 
3) Revolutionary War Flipbook - due on Friday (They had about 2 hours to work on this in class)
Rest of the Week  -
1)Other – Market Day – is next Tuesday, after recess (bring any of your items to sell.  You can use your class money to buy other items from our class and Dr. Webb’s class.  NO Peanut/Nut items allowed)
2) Monthly Math Packet – due at the end of the month 
3)Career Day – Report – due on March 25th
 ( March 26 Will be the presentations for the parents and other students)  - The  students have had a lot of time in Computer lab and on the Chromebooks to do the research for their Career.    
4)    AR – 75 points by end of March          
5)ST Math – have 75 percent done by end of the month

March 13th
No homework tomorrow
Rest of the Week  - 
1)    Among the Hidden – Chp 3/4 Questions - Friday
2) Math Worksheet --Friday
3) Revolutionary War Flipbook - due on Friday (They had about 2 hours to work on this in class)

March 12
1)    Among the Hidden – Chp 1/2 Questions
2)Super Hero writing –due on WED (Print at home)- They had almost 4 hours to do this in class during the last 2 weeks.  
3) Math  Pages  - 954 (4-7), 957, 966 (5-7), 969
4) Other – Color Run –March 13th – next week (WEAR TENNIS SHOES and Older Clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty)
Rest of the Week/Next Week - 
1) Revolutionary War Flipbook - due on Friday (They will have tomorrow and Thursday to work n this in class)

2)Other – Market Day – is next Tuesday, after recess (bring any of your items to sell.  You can use your class money to buy other items from our class and Dr. Webb’s class.  NO Peanut/Nut items allowed)
3) Monthly Math Packet – due at the end of the month 
4)Career Day – Report – due on March 25th
 ( March 26 Will be the presentations for the parents and other students)  - The  students have had a lot of time in Computer lab and on the Chromebooks to do the research for their Career.    
5)    AR – 75 points by end of March          
6)ST Math – have 75 percent done by end of the month

March 11th
Reading      Among the Hidden – Wednesday
                 Super Hero – Picture (bring props)
              Super Hero writing –due on WED  
                        AR – 75 points by end of March     
Math  - Monthly Math Packet – due at the end of the month             
 ST Math – have 75 percent done by end of the month
S.S-    Flip book – Rev War – due on Friday
S.S.  –  Social Studies Test - Tuesday
    Career Day – Report – due on March 25th (26th)
Other – Color Run –March 13th – next week (WEAR TENNIS SHOES

March 6
1) Math Worksheet
2) WordlyWise - Thursday
3) Social Studies Guide - Tomorrow (They had about 3 hours to work on this in class)
Rest of the Week/next week
1) Map It Out - Friday
2) Social Studies Guide - Thursday
3) Social Studies Test - next Tuesday

March 5
1) Math Worksheet
Rest of the Week  
1) WordlyWise - Thursday
2 Map It Out - Friday
3) Social Studies Guide - Thursday

March 4
1) Math Pages
Rest of the Week  
1) WordlyWise - Thursday
2 Map It Out - Friday
3) Social Study Guide - Thursday

February 28th
1)  Witch of Blackbird Pond Flipbook - due on Friday (They have already have over 4 hours to work on this in class)
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - due on Friday (They have had this since the beginning of the month)
4) Wordly Wise - Quiz tomorrow

February 27th
1) Math Worksheet
2) Wordly Wise - lesson 15
Rest of the Week - 
1) Witch of Blackbird Pond Flipbook - due on Friday (They have already have over 4 hours to work on this in class)
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - due on Friday (They have had this since the beginning of the month)

February 26th
1) Math - pages 910, 911 and worksheet
Rest of the Week -
1) Witch of Blackbird Pond Flipbook - due on Friday (They have already have over 2 hours to work on this in class)
2) Wordly Wise - Thursday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - due on Friday (They have had this since the beginning of the month)

February 25th
1) Math pages 918, 919, 920, 921, 922
2) Magazine Writing/Cover - for those students that did not turn it in today.
Rest of the Week - 
1) Witch of Blackbird  Pond Flipbook - due on Friday
2) Wordly Wise - Thursday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - Friday

February 20th
1) Math Pages - 867, 868, 873. 874
2) Tenmarks  -
3) Middle School Yellow Signed paperwork
4) Blue Fieldtrip Form -signed and return 
Rest of the Week - 
1) Magazine Writing and Picture - due on Monday 
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - due next Friday

February 14th
Happy Valentine's Day
1) Witch  - chapter 16 and 17 - due on Friday
2) Wordly Wise - due Friday
Future Assignments
1) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

February 13th 
1) Valentine's Tomorrow - Bring 38 cards if you are bring them.  Also, bring a bag or box for your cards/candy
2) COlONIAL Fair - tomorrow (Come dressed)
Rest of the Week - 
1) Witch  - chapter 16 and 17 - due on Friday
2) Wordly Wise - due Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

February 12th 
1) Math - pages 853, 855, 859, and 860 (17-19)
Rest of the Week - 
1) Colonial Fair - on Thursday (8:20 to 9:45)
2) Witch  - chapter 16 and 17 - due on Friday
3) Wordly Wise - due Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

Feb 7th
1) Math Worksheets (1/2 of each page)
2) Map It Out
3) Witch - chapter 14 and 15
4) $$20 For Starbase  - Buses 
Next Week - 
1) Monthly Math Packet - end of the month
2) Colonial Fair  - next Thursday

Feb 6th - 
1) Wordly Wise -13 - Thursday
2) Math - pages 835, 836 841, 842
3) $20 for Starbase
Rest of the week - 
1) WOBP - chapters 14 and 15 - Friday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - end of the month

Feb 5th - 
1) Math worksheet
2) Witch of Blackbird Pond  - 12 and 13 - due  (Cite and Restate)
3) Science - Poster
4) $20 for Starbase
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Wordly Wise -13 - Thursday

2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - end of the month

Feb 4th - 
1) Math - pages 803, 804, 809, 810
2) $20 for Starbase
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise -13 - Thursday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Witch of Blackbird Pond  - 13 and 14 - due on Wednesday (Cite and Restate)

January 31st
1) WOPB - chap 10 and 11 - due on Friday
2) Monthly Math - Friday
3) ST Math - up to 50 by Friday
4) Map It Out - Friday
5) Science test - on Friday 

January 30th
1) WW - due on Thursday
Rest of the Week  - 
1) WOPB - chap 10 and 11 - due on Friday
2) Monthly Math - Friday
3) ST Math - up to 50 by Friday
4) Map It Out - Friday
5) Science test - on Friday (Use your Scholar notes to study.  We will review again on Thursday

January 29th
1) WOBP - chapters 8 and 9 - Tomorrow
2) Pancake Breakfast - Wednesday morning
Pajama Day tomorrow
Rest of the week - 
1) WW - due on Thursday
2) Monthly Math - Friday
3) ST Math - up to 50 by Friday
4) Map It Out - Friday
5) Science test - on Friday (Use your Scholar notes to study.  We will review again on Thursday

January 28th
1) WOBP - chapters 8 and 9 - WED
2) Pancake Breakfast - Wednesday morning
3) WW - due on Thursday
4) Monthly Math - Friday
5) ST Math - up to 50 by Friday
6) Map It Out - Friday

January 24th
1) Math worksheet
2) Money/order form for Pancake Breakfast
Rest of the Week - 
1) Martin Luther King Jr. Writing- Friday
2) WOBP - chapters 5, 6, an 7 = due on Friday
3) Wordly Wise - due on Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month
5) Bring in Supplies for your Colonial Store Fronts.

January 23rd
1) Math worksheet
2) Money/order form for Pancake Breakfast
Rest of the Week - 
1) Martin Luther King Jr. Writing- Friday
2) WOBP - chapters 5, 6, an 7 = due on Friday
3) Wordly Wise - due on Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month
5) Bring in Supplies for your Colonial Store Fronts.

January 22nd
1) Math - pages 767, 768, 773, 774  
2) Money/order form for Pancake Breakfast
Rest of the Week  - 
1) WOBP - chapters 5, 6, an 7 = due on Friday
2) Wordly Wise - due on Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month
4) Bring in Supplies for your Colonial Store Fronts.

January 17th
1) WOBP - chapter 3 and 4 questions
2)  Map It Out
3) Math Worksheet
Next Week  - 
1) NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY - Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!

1) Bring in Supplies for your Colonial Store Fronts. Get information for your Colonial Fair at home for your group and copy to your Docs or Print Out  -  since we have so many blocks on the school computers.  Also, you can check books out at the Public Library.  We will check out books from the school library on Friday.  

January 16th
1) Wordly Wise 
2) Math worksheet (Both sides)
Rest of the Week - 
1) Map It Out - Friday
2) Monthly Math Packet due at the end of the month
3) Bring in Supplies for your Colonial Store Fronts. Get information for your Colonial Fair at home for your group and copy to your Docs or Print Out  -  since we have so many blocks on the school computers.  Also, you can check books out at the Public Library.  We will check out books from the school library on Friday.  

January 15th
1) Math - pages 741, 742(#14), 747, 748 (#14-16)
2) S.S. Poster - Northern/Middle Colonies 
3) Witch of Blackbird - chapter 1 and 2 questions
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Thursday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month
4) 5) Bring in Supplies for your Colonial Store Fronts. Get information for your Colonial Fair at home for your group and copy to your Docs or Print Out  -  since we have so many blocks on the school computers.  Also, you can check books out at the Public Library.  We will check out books from the school library on Friday.  

January 14th - 
1) Math - pages 727, 728(14-15), 731, 732
Rest of the Week  - 
1) WOBP - due Wed
2) Middle/Northern Colony Poster- due Wed
3) Map It Out - Friday
5) Bring in Supplies for your Colonial Store Fronts. Get information for your Colonial Fair at home for your group and copy to your Docs or Print Out  -  since we have so many blocks on the school computers.  Also, you can check books out at the Public Library.  We will check out books from the school library on Friday.  

Rest of the Week - 
1) WOBP - Chapter 1 and 2 - due on Wed 
2) S.S. poster on Northern and middle colonies - due on Wednesday
3) Wordly Wise - due on Thursday
4) Map It Out - due on Friday
5) Bring in Supplies for your Colonial Store Fronts. Get information for your Colonial Fair at home for your group and copy to your Docs or Print Out  -  since we have so many blocks on the school computers.  Also, you can check books out at the Public Library.  We will check out books from the school library on Friday.  

January 10th
1) Math Worksheet - 
2) Wordly Wise - 

3) Get information for your Colonial Fair at home for your group and copy to your Docs or Print Out  -  since we have so many blocks on the school computers.  Also, you can check books out at the Public Library.  We will check out books from the school library on Friday.  

January  9th 
1) Math Worksheet
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Due on Thursday (Quiz Then too)
2) Math Test - Friday (Chapter 9)
3) Get information for your Colonial Fair at home for your group and copy to your Docs or Print Out  -  since we have so many blocks on the school computers.  Also, you can check books out at the Public Library.  We will check out books from the school library on Friday.  

January 8th
1) Walk Through Reflection Writing
2) Math Worksheet - 
3) Bring you signed report card  Envelope back
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Due on Thursday (Quiz Then too)
2) Math Test - Friday (Chapter 9)
3) Get information for your Colonial Fair at home for your group and copy to your Docs or Print Out  -  since we have so many blocks on the school computers.  Also, you can check books out at the Public Library.  We will check out books from the school library on Friday.  

January 7th
1) My Favorite Paper -due tomorrow
Rest of the Week
1) Wordly Wise - due on Friday (Quiz on Friday too)

Dec. 19th
1)ROOT Poster is due - (They had over 3 1/2 hours to do this project)
2) Monthly Math Packet 
3) Math worksheet - study for quiz tomorrow on Chapter
Rest of the Week - 
 1) Start memorizing your parts for Walk through the Revolutionary war -(You also need a colonial looking outfit - and props for the performance on the Monday that we get back - January 7th)

Dec. 18th
1)  $4 or $5 - please bring in for the party
2) Math worksheet and math pages 696 and 697
3) Rough draft for the poster should be finished (They have had 1 hour and 40 minutes to do this)
Rest of the Week - 
1) ROOT Poster- good draft due on Thursday
2) Monthly Math Packet - due on Thursday
3) 4) Start memorizing your parts for Walk through the Revolutionary war -(You also need a colonial looking outfit - and props for the performance on the Monday that we get back - January 7th)

Dec. 17th
1)  $4 or $5 - please bring in for the party
Rest of the Week - 
1) ROOT - 4 Icon poster project - due Thursday
2) Monthly Math Packet - due on Thursday
3) Science Day Packet - due on Thursday
4) Start memorizing your parts for Walk through the Revolutionary war -(You also need a colonial looking outfit - and props for the performance on the Monday that we get back - January 7th)

Dec. 13th
1) Math page 679 and 680 and worksheet
2) 1) Alien Story - finish typing good draft (they had  1  and 1/2 hours to type this in class already)
3) Map It Out - 
4)  $4 or $5 dollars for the Class party
 Next Week and after the break -  
1) Parents- thank you to those of you who are able to volunteer on Monday, Dec. 17th for our Space Day.  If any of you can still sign up please go to the link on the home page of the blog or on your Class Dojo messages. Thank you.
2) Optional - $1 or 2 For Mr. Wissel - if you have worked with him 
3) Start memorizing your parts for Walk through the Revolutionary war -(You also need a colonial looking outfit - and props for the performance on the Monday that we get back - January 7th)

Dec. 12th 
1) S.S. Test tomorrow (Use the study guide to study tonight)
2) $4 or $5 dollars for the Class party
3) 4) Parents- thank you to those of you who are able to volunteer on Monday, Dec. 17th for our Space Day.  If any of you can still sign up please go to the link on the home page of the blog or on your Class Dojo messages. Thank you.
Rest of the Week - 
1) Alien Story - finish typing by Friday (they had 
    1  and 1/2 hours to type this in class already)
2)  Map It Out - due on Friday  
3) Optional - $1 or 2 For Mr. Wissel - if you have worked with him 
3) Start memorizing your parts for Walk through the Revolutionary war -(You also need a colonial looking outfit - and props for the performance on the Monday that we get back - January 7th)

Dec. 11th
1) S.S. Study guide is due tomorrow  - the test is on Thursday
2) Please bring in $ 4 or $5 dollars for the class party ASAP.  Thank you!
3) ROOT  chapters 20 and 21 are due tomorrow
4) Parents- thank you to those of you who are able to volunteer on Monday, Dec. 17th for our Space Day.  If any of you can still sign up please go to the link on the home page of the blog or on your Class Dojo messages. Thank you.
Rest of the Week - 
1) Map It out - due Friday
2) Monthly Math Packet - due on the 21st
3) Optional - $ donation for Mr Wissel -our volunteer who is helping with challenge  and reteaching math 

Dec. 10th - 
1) Figurative Language Packet due tomorrow
2) Independent Projects are due tomorrow
3) Finish math pages
4) Please bring in $ 4 or $5 dollars for the class party
Rest of the Week - 
1) Root- due on Wed 
2) S.S. Study Guide - due on wed (Test on Thursday
3) Map It out - due Friday
4) Monthly Math Packet - due on the 21st

Dec 5th
1) Wordly Wise  Lesson 8 pages due tomorrow
(The quiz will be on Friday)
Rest of the Week - 
1) ROOT - chapters 17 and 18 - due on Friday
     (Just Restate when answering the questions)
2) NO map it out this week
3) Independent Study projects -due on Dec. 11th (we still have about 2 more hours this week to do research in class this week.  Any models need to be done at home) 
4) Monthly Math Packet - due on Dec. 21st
5) Start memorizing the Walk Through the Revolutionary War parts.  (The Monday that we get back from the holiday break the students will have this event)

Dec. 4th 
1) Math - pages 587. 588, 599, 600
2) ROOT  - chapter 15 (Restate and Cite)
3) Coordinate Math 
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - due on Thursday
2) Grammar Packet - due on Friday 
3) NO map it out this week
4) Independent Study projects -due on Dec. 11th (we still have about 2 more hours this week to do research in class this week.  Any models need to be done at home)
5) Start memorizing the Walk Through the Revolutionary War parts.  (The Monday that we get back from the holiday break the students will have this event)

Dec 3rd
1) Math - pages 585, 586, 597, 598 (They had about 40 minutes to work on these pages today)
Rest of the Week
1) ROOT  - chapter 15 Questions due (restate and cite - due on Wednesday
2) Coordinate Math - due on Wed (They had an hour to do this in class already)
3) Wordly Wise - due on Thursday
4) NO map it out this week
5) Independent Study projects -due on Dec. 11th (we still have about 2 more hours this week to do research in class this week.  Any models need to be done at home)
6) Start memorizing the Walk Through the Revolutionary War parts.  (The Monday that we get back from the holiday break the students will have this event)

November 29th
1) Root - Chapters 11 and 12 - due tomorrow
2) Map It Out - tomorrow
3) Reach at least 25 percent in ST Math by tomorrow
4) Monthly Math packet - due Friday (They have had this the whole month)
Rest of the Week - 
5) Independent Study Projects - due on December 11th (Please ask students to show you the instructions for these projects)
7) ST Math - by the January 31st each student should be at 50 percent. I will give them time to work on ST math twice a week.  This will be about 14 class times to do ST Math from now until January 31st. They should have no problem getting this done, in class, if they focus and use their time wisely.  If they do not get caught up by then, then they will need to do ST Math at home. 

November 28th
1) Wordly Wise - due tomorrow
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Root - Chapters 11 and 12 - due Friday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Reach at least 25 percent in ST Math by Friday 
4) Monthly Math packet - due Friday (They have had this the whole month)
5) Independent Study Projects - due on December 11th (Please ask students to show you the instructions for these projects)
7) ST Math - by the January 31st each student should be at 50 percent. I will give them time to work on ST math twice a week.  This will be about 14 class times to do ST Math from now until January 31st. They should have no problem getting this done, in class, if they focus and use their time wisely.  If they do not get caught up by then, then they will need to do ST Math at home. 

November 27th
1) Math - page 565-566
2) Root - Chapters 9 and 10 - due tomorrow
Rest of the Week 
1) Wordly Wise - Thursday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Reach at least 25 percent in ST Math
4) Monthly Math packet - due Friday (They have had this the whole month)
5) Independent Study Projects - due on December 11th (Please ask students to show you the instructions for these projects)
7) ST Math - by the January 31st each student should be at 50 percent. I will give them time to work on ST math twice a week.  This will be about 14 class times to do ST Math from now until January 31st. They should have no problem getting this done, in class, if they focus and use their time wisely.  If they do not get caught up by then, then they will need to do ST Math at home. 

November 26th
1) Math - pages 559
2) Students who did not finish up to 25 percent in ST math, need to get that done  by this Friday, November 30th. We talked about this before Thanksgiving and students should have caught up over the break. They have had probably over 15 hours of class time to work on this since September.  As of Friday, Nov. 30th, this will be equivalent to a test grade towards their math grade. 
Rest of the Week - 
1) Root- due Wed (Chapter 9 and 10 - Chapter 9 you need to restate and Cite and chapter 10 - you just need to restate)
2) Wordly Wise - Lesson 7- due on Thursday before the quiz
3) Map It out - due o Friday
4) Monthly Math packet - due Friday (They have had this the whole month)
5) Independent Study Projects - due on December 11th (Please ask students to show you the instructions for these projects)
7) ST Math - by the January 31st each student should be at 50 percent. I will give them time to work on ST math twice a week.  This will be about 14 class times to do ST Math from now until January 31st. They should have no problem getting this done, in class, if they focus and use their time wisely.  If they do not get caught up by then, then they will need to do ST Math at home. 

November 16th
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday
1)If you didn't finish your Create -A- Country Reflection, please do that over the holiday
2)Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the Month
3) ST Math- should be completed up to 25 percent.

3) Independent Study - Science Project - due on December 11th.  They will have plenty of time to work on the research part in class.  (They can make the models, collages, etc. at home. We will do the written part in class)

November 15th
1) Astrocamp signed papers are due.
2) ROOT - chapter 7 and 8
3) Map It Out
4) Scientist writing
Rest of the Week - 
1)Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the Month
2) Independent Study - Science Project - due on December 11th.  They will have plenty of time to work on the research part in class.  

November 14th - 
1) Astrocamp signed papers are due tomorrow (Please bring in by Friday at the latest)
2) Math Pages – 505 (#4 only), page 506 (all), 515, 516 (#14 only), 527, and 528 (#15-20)  
Rest of the Week and over the holiday break
1) Map It Out - due Friday
2) Root questions chapter 7 and 8 - due on Friday
3) Scientist Writing - due Friday (They had over an hour to work on this today)
4) ST Math – need to be up to 25 percent after the holidays
5)  Monthly math Packet – due at the end of November

November 13th
1) ROOT Questions -Chapter 5 and 6
2) Fill out the Independent Question front page - figure out your topic, open-ended question and one choice from the back 2 pages in the packet
(This is not due until December 11th)
3) Tonight - 5:45- for singing at the Board Meeting (Good Luck) 
Rest of the Week-
1) Create A Country - this Thursday.  Please come dressed in your traditional outfit since we will be going to the MP right away.  Thank you!
2) Map It Out - Friday

November 8th - 
1) Finish your Create -A - Country project.  The groups had over 12 hours of class time during the last 5 weeks to work on this project.  Whatever they have not completed needs to be completed by Tuesday, November 12th. They will give their speeches at that time.  On Thursday they will then display their Tri-folds, dress up in their country's traditional clothing, and have a food item to represent their country.  Parents are invited to come from 8:30 to 9:45 that day.

November 7th
1) Wordly Wise - due tomorrow
Rest of the Week - 
1)  Map It Out - Friday
2) Print any work for your Create - A - Country that you need or any props, etc that you need for this project.  You only have time this Tuesday and Thursday to finish it with your partner. (You have had over 8 hours of class time already) Next Tuesday, you will give your speech in front of both classes and next Thursday, Nov. 15th,  we will have the culmination for the parents and the school - with the tri-folds and your speeches. Don't forget to dress up in your "traditional country attire and bring a food that represents your country.

November 6th
1) ROOT - chapters 3 and 4 due Wed. (Icons only for chapter 3. Restate for both chapters)
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - Thursday
2) Map It Out - Friday

3) Print any work for your Create - A - Country that you need or any props, etc that you need for this project.  You only have time this Tuesday and Thursday to finish it with your partner. (You have had over 8 hours of class time already) Next Tuesday, you will give your speech in front of both classes and next Thursday, Nov. 15th,  we will have the culmination for the parents and the school - with the tri-folds and your speeches. Don't forget to dress up in your "traditional country attire and bring a food that represents your country.

November 5th
1) No Homework due tomorrow
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Print any work for your Create - A - Country that you need or any props, etc that you need for this project.  You only have time this Tuesday and Thursday to finish it with your partner. (You have had over 8 hours of class time already) Next Tuesday, you will give your speech in front of both classes and next Thursday, Nov. 15th,  we will have the culmination for the parents and the school - with the tri-folds and your speeches. Don't forget to dress up in your "traditional country attire and bring a food that represents your country.
2) ROOT - chapters 3 and 4 due Wed. (Icons only for chapter 3. Restate for both chapters)
3) Wordly Wise - Thursday
4) Map It Out - Friday

October 30th
1) Math Worksheet -side A only
2) The Halloween parade starts right at 8:05 tomorrow.   Please bring items for the party if you signed up at the conferences.  Thank you for your donation.  
3) Bring $3 if you want to get your picture taken at recess.  Funds go to Astrocamp Fundraising.
Rest of the Week  - 
1) No School on Thursday - for students
2) Wordly Wise - due on Friday
3) Running Out of Time - due on Friday
4) Map It Out - due on Friday
5) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of November

October 29th
1) Math worksheet and pages 489, 490, 491
Rest of the Week - 
1) ROOT - chapters 1 and 2 - due on Friday
2) Wordly Wise - due Friday
3) Map It Out - Friday

October 25th
1) Math Worksheet
2) Blood on the River Flipbook
3) Map It Out
4) Bring a hanger for the Explorer Project

October 24th
1) Math page - 458  (14-16) , page 459 (1-3) and page 468 ( 15-20 No Estimation)
2) Prepositional Phrase packet- due tomorrow
3)   Preposition Quiz - Thursday
4) Bring in a hanger for your Explorer project
5) We go to the book fair tomorrow
Rest of the Week
1) Blood on the River Flip Book - due Friday (They have had about 3 hours to work on this already in class)
2) Map It Out - due Friday
3) Division with Decimals quiz - Friday

October 23rd 
1) Math page 457
2) Bring in a hanger for your Explorer project
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Prepositional - Grammar Packet - due on Thurs
2)  Preposition Quiz - Thursday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Blood on the River packet - due on Friday 
( A lot of time will be given throughout the week to work on this in class)
5) Division with Decimals quiz - Friday

October 22nd
1) Math - Finish pages 445 and 446
2) Print out your Prepositional Phrase Poem if you have not done that already
3) Bring in a hanger for your Explorer project
Rest of the Week
1) Preposition Quiz - Thursday
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) Blood on the River packet - due on Friday 
( A lot of time will be given throughout the week to work on this in class)

October 17th
1) Math Worksheet - Math Quiz tomorrow
2) Map It Out
3) Prepositional Phrase rough draft
4) Wordly Wise Quiz was moved to tomorrow too
Next Week - 
PARENT CONFERENCES - I look forward to seeing you and your parents.  I encourage students to go to their conference.
Students leave every day at 12:20

October 16th
1) Math - Pages 405,406,413414 - 
2) Social Studies - packet =due tomorrow.  
Rest of the Week - 
1) Social studies test - Thursday
2) Wordly Wise pages due for Thursday and quiz is on Thursday
3) Map It Out - Friday
4) Math Quiz - Multiplying Fractions- Friday

October 15th
1) Math - pages 393 and 394
Rest of the Week - 
1) Social Studies Guide - due Wednesday (They have had over 90 minutes to work on this in class already.
2) Wordly Wise -lesson 4 pages are due Thursday before the test
3) Map It Out - Friday

October 11th -
1) B.O.T.R - questions - 
2) Map It Out 
3) Math - pages 368, 369 and the worksheet

October 10th
1) Wordly Wise -section 3 - due tomorrow. Study the words for a quiz too.
2) Math pages - finish (337, 338, 363, 364)
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Blood on the River - due on Friday (I will give you about 45 minutes to work on those questions tomorrow)
2) Map It Out - Friday

October 9th 
1) Creative Writing - Rough Draft - due tomorrow
2) Blood on the River -due tomorrow
3) Finish your  World Wonders Power Point and send it to me at jfisler@ovsd.org
Rest of the Week - 
1)Wordly Wise - Thursday
2) Map It Out - Friday
October 8th
1) Finish Math
2) Finish writing the Language of Discipline for Social Studies
1) Blood on the River -questions -due on Wed
2) Wordly Wise - due on Thursday
3) Map It Out - Friday

October 4th - 
1) ASTROCAMP $$$$ Due tomorrow $290 or whatever you said you can pay
2) Map It Out
3) Math - pages 292-293  #10-#26 - Even
4) B.O.T.R - due tomorrow
5) Math Test tomorrow (long division)
6) Science- 4 Spheres Quiz

October 3rd - 
1) Wordly Wise Quiz - Tomorrow
2) Finish section 2 Wordly Wise pages
3) Math - Pages 285-286
Rest of the Week - 
1)Astrocamp Money is due tomorrow
2) Map It Out - Friday
3) B.O.T.R. - due Friday

October 2nd
1) Math 273 (even) and 274 #14-16
2)  World Wonders - due on Wednesday
Rest of the Week  -
1) Geography Quiz - Friday (Use study guide)
2)World Wonders - Power Point Presentation - due on Friday
3) Wordly Wise - finish all pages in section 2 by Thursday before the Quiz

4) Map It Out - Friday 

October 1st
1) Math - Page 265 #2, 4, 6, 8, an 10 (Put the remainders as a fraction
2) Tomorrow is the last day to purchase recorders (Optional)
Rest of the Week - 
1) World Wonders - due on Wednesday
2) World Wonders - Power Point Presentation - due on Friday
3) Wordly Wise - finish all pages in section 2 by Thursday before the Quiz
4) Map It Out - Friday 

September 27th
1) Math - page 240-241 Finish (Most students finished this in class)
2) Blood on the River - Chapter 13 -14 questions.  (They had an hour and 20 minutes to work on these today)
3) Study for the Geography quiz - on continents, oceans, regions, mountains in the US, Mississippi River, and the Great Lakes.
4) Monthly Math Packet - you can turn in tomorrow or on Monday

September 26th

1) Writing – world wonders – finish rough draft (topic sentence, 12 sentences, and conclusion)
2)Wordly Wise – finish pages 3-15 by Thursday and there is a Wordly Wise quiz tomorrow – so study the meanings.
3) Math – page 217 – even numbers
Rest of the Week - 
1)B.O.T.R – chapter 13-15 – due on Friday
Monthly Math Packet – due on FRIDAY
2) Geography Test –on Friday- (Continents, Great Lakes, River and Mt ranges in US, and Regions) - Use your 2 study guide worksheets to practice 3) Map It Out – due on Friday   
4) Monthly Math Packet due                                           
September 25th
1) B.O.T.R. -chapter 10-12 questions tomorrow
2) Biome Science Poster - due tomorrow
Rest of the Week - 
1) Wordly Wise - pages 3-15 finish by Thursday and study the meaning of the words for a quiz on Thursday too.
2)Map It Out - Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet - due on Friday (They got this packet over 3 weeks ago)

September 24th
1) Math - Finish page 159
Rest of the Week  
1) B.O.T.R. -chapter 10-12 questions due on WED
2) Wordly Wise - pages 3-15 finish by Thursday and study the meaning of the words for a quiz on Thursday too.
3) Biome Poster due on Wed (They have had a lot of time to do this and we will still give a little time tomorrow to work on this)
4) Map It Out - Friday
5) There are still some students who need to turn in emergency cards.

September 20th
1) Math -Fished these pages in class)
2) Math Test tomorrow
3) Scholastic News - finish back page
3) Map It Out
4) 4)  Astrocamp Interest/Payment paper -due TOMORROW 
Rest of the Week - 
1) Monthly Math Packet - due Next Friday
2) Yellow - Student Release card - signed by parent
3) Emergency Card and info (parents need to do this online )

4) Donation for the Wordly Wise Books - We will be starting with these next week.  

September 19th
1) Math - Finish Number 1-8 questions on pages 115-116
2) Longitude/Latitude Paper
Rest of the Week - 
1) B.O.T. R. - Chapter 7-9 - due Friday (I will give them about 50 minutes to work on their questions tomorrow)
2) Map It Out - due on Friday
3) Monthly Math Packet- due at the end of the month
4)  Astrocamp Interest/Payment paper - due on Friday, September 21st
5) Yellow - Student Release card - signed by parent
6) Emergency Card and info (parents need to do this online )
7) Donation for the Wordly Wise Books - We will be starting with these next week.  

September 18th
1) Math - Finish 111/112 and Worksheet (They had about 45 minutes to do this  math work in class)
2) Blood on the River - Chp 5/6  Questions (They had about 90 minutes over the last 2 days to work on the questions)
Rest of the Week - 
1) Astrocamp Interest/Payment paper - due on Friday, September 21st
2) Longitude/Latitude Activity - Thursday
3) Yellow - Student Release card - signed by parent
4) Emergency Card and info (parents need to do this online )
5) Donation for the Wordly Wise Books - We will be starting with these next week.  

September 17th
1) Auto-Bio Poem - due tomorrow
2) Math - Finish pages 83, 95, and 96
3) Map It Out ( 2 of them - from last Tuesday)
4) Yellow - Student Release card - signed by parent
5) Emergency Card and info (parents need to do this online )
6) Donation for the Wordly Wise Books - We will be starting with these next week.  
Rest of the Week  - 
1) Astrocamp Interest/Payment paper - due on Friday, September 21st
2) Blood on the River - chp 5/6 - Wednesday
3) Longitude/Latitude Map - Thursday
4) Map It Out ( new ones) - Friday
5) Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

September 13th
1) Blood on the River  Chapter 3-4 questions
2) Math Pages 67-69 and review worksheet
3) Math Test tomorrow
4) P.E. tomorrow
5) Back to School Night Tonight
Rest of the week - 
1) Map It Out - due Tuesday
2)Auto-Bio Poem -due Tuesday
3)Monthly Math Packet - due at the end of the month

September 11th
1) Blood on the River (They had an hour to do 6 questions on their own)
2)Math - Pages 45 and 46
3) Photo Tshirt - I am so excited to see these :)
4) Class Journals - Please bring (Red, blue, and green this week.  We have already used the red math journal and I plan on using the other journals this week too.)
Rest of the Week -
1) Icon Posters - due on Thursday (They had about 3 hours and 45 minutes to work on these)
2) Map It Out - due Friday
3) Emergency Card and info (parents need to do this online)

4) PTO membership, Recorder Money, P.E. paper  filled out

September 10th

1) Sunglasses/Summer Writing – due tomorrow
2)Math – Finish pages  19, 25 and 26 
3)P.E. Tomorrow 
4) Classroom Journals - please Bring (RED, BLUE, and GREEN)
Rest of the Week - 
1) Blood on the River (BOTR) - chapter 1 and 2 questions - due on Wednesday
 2)  Photo Tshirt- WED.
 3)  Turn in Class Roster paper –September 14th
 4) PG/Pictures Paper – 7th
5) Emergency Card and info (parents need to do this online)

6) PTO membership, Recorder Money, P.E. paper – filled out

September 6th
1)P.E. is tomorrow
2) Finish "All About Me" paper and Name Paper
3)DOJO – Have your parents go on tonight and sign up. This is the way I email parents.
4)Give your parents the packet of forms from me and from the PTO. 
5)Please have parents sign the Picture/PG paper and return as well as the $$donation for Wordly Wise and supplies)
Rest of the Week and next Week - 
1) Please have the Classroom Supplies by Monday, September 10th
2)Photo Tshirt- NEXT WED. (see 1/2 sheet for directions
3)Class Roster Paper– turn in by Sept. 14th

4)Emergency Card and info (parents need to do this online and print out a copy for us.)

September 5th
1)DOJO – Have your parents go on tonight and sign up.
2)Give your parents the packet of forms to fill out.
Rest of the Week and next Week - 
1)Finish Writing "All About Me" by Friday
2)Photo Tshirt- NEXT WED. (see 1/2 sheet for directions
3) Please have the Classroom Supplies by Monday, September 10th
4)Class Roster Paper– turn in by Sept. 
5) Picture/PG paper -get signed by your parents
6)Emergency Card and info (parents need to do this online and print out a copy for us.)

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