Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Image result for Images of ST MathRelated imageImage result for images of space

Every week the children get computer time to work on ST Math.
 Before Thanksgiving break, they were asked to reach 25% on
ST Math. Everyone had the opportunity to also work during the
break to reach this goal.  By Friday, EVERYONE is expected to
have reached this goal as it will be added to their math grade.  
There are a handful of kids who have excelled and some who
haven’t. Those who have not used their time wisely, must
complete ST Math work at home.  By January 31, we expect
the kids to reach 50%.  They will be given class time twice a
week to meet this goal. They should be able to complete this
amount in class, but some may need to work at home.

Thank you to those who have completed and returned the
Astrocamp paperwork on time. PLEASE complete and send
in all paperwork this week.   This includes the blue responsibility
contract, the green permission form and the yellow student
health form.  Be sure to complete EVERY SINGLE part of the
yellow health form, including the date of the tetanus shot. Thank you!

In science, we are learning about space. The kids have been
assigned independent study projects. This was assigned
2 weeks before Thanksgiving. Time in class has been dedicated
and will be dedicated to completing the research portion of
the projects.  Please have your child show you the packet
so you can monitor his/her progress. The second portion
of the project will be completed at home. The due date is
December 11 for the entire project.

The Monday we return from winter break, January 7, we will
be participating in Walk Through the American Revolutionary War.
 If your child will not be present that day we need to know
immediately, as we are assigning roles/parts next week.
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