Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Below is a list of the major happenings
in our room until the end of the year.  
Hopefully it will help with your calendars.
May 7 - 10 : English/Language Arts SBA (State testing) testing on
May 13 - 17: Math SBA testing on Chromebooks.
May 20th - Spring Music Concert - (Recorders, etc) - Wear 5th grade
shirt and jeans
May 21, 24, 28, 31 - Star-base Field Trips
May 20-29th - Finish SBA testing (Science and anyone that needs
extra time with ELA and Math)

May 23rd - State Fair -The students have started research
for the State Fair.
The students will have class time to do research on their chosen
state which they will display on a Tri-fold. We are asking that
the students get their own Tri-fold.  They will need to create
some type of game that relates to their State and dress up
related to their state. (Ex: NY – Statue of Liberty) State Fair
is on Thursday, May 23rd from 8:30 to 9:40 a.m.

May 24th - Bring in a Baby Picture for the May 29th Open House'
-Class Competition.

May 28th - Optional Open House (2:30 to 3:30) for my class ONLY -  
since I will not be able to attend the May 29th Open house.
( This is because my daughter has her Senior Graduation on the 29th. 
Thanks for understanding.)

May 29th - Open House - for the whole school -  
Class will be open from  6 - 7.
The room will be open even though I will not be present.
(See message above)

May 30th - Mesa View School Tour

June 12th - 8:30 a.m. - MPR - Broadway Spectacular Props/Costumes -
We do need the students to start getting costumes/ items for their parts
in the Broadway Spectacular by June 6th!!  They will all need a
black plain shirt, a white plain shirt, a dirty looking/torn shirt, and jeans.  
Some of the students have lead parts, so we will tell them about other
clothing or props they may need to also get for the Broadway Spectacular.
 Thank you for getting all of these items by the first week in June.

June 17th - Glow Zone Field Trip for all 5th Graders

June 19th - The last day of school - Promotion starts at 11:00 outside
                   and the students will be dismissed right after the promotion.

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Broadway Spectacular for the school - Tuesday, June 11th at 8:30 am Broadway Spectacular for the PARENTS - Wednesday, June 12th at 8:3...